
The Break effect slices an image in multiple pieces and animates them creating what the community has called "The Thanos Effect".



Piece SizeDefines in how many slices will the image be cut. Higher values means more slices.
DelayAdds a delay before the image is sliced.
GravityDefines the amount of gravity that will be applied to the slices pieces.
Gravity DirectionDefines the gravity direction in degrees.
GradualAdds a delay between slices. Higher values means that slices take longer to be performed.
Alpha DecayThe alpha/opacity of the slices will be decreased by this amount each frame.
ModeDefines the orientation of the slice. Also includes a Random option.
RotationDefines the minimum and maximum rotation speed of the slices.
ShrinkDefines the minimum and maximum shrinking of the slices.
SpeedDefines the speed of the slices.
DirectionDefines the direction of the slices.